Construction of 3 Rain Water Harvesting System in Pre-Schools and Training to Masons in Poonaryn/ Kilinochchi
Project Areas | Chediakurichchi, Kolakurichchi in Poonaryn, Kilinochchi |
Duration | 15th April to 15th June 2015 |
Funded by | Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) |
Project Cost | LKR 400,000 |
Project Objective | Construction of three rainwater harvesting systems in three preschools in the Poonaryn area and to conduct a training program for 10 masons. |
Project Activities of LRWHF | Construction of 3 tanks of 8000 liter capacity including first flushTraining of 10 masons in the construction of rain water harvesting systemsMaintenance Training for Preschool Teachers and Early Child Development Committees |
Responsibility of SDC | Construction of Pre-School building, the gutters and first flushing system. The flushing system will be built by the masons traineesSDC in collaboration with LRWHF: Establishing of a documentation of project available online and as a print version |
Project Progress
1. Installation of 3 RWH systems in Pre-Schools in Poonaryn Kilinochchi District
1. Divisional Secretariat – Alankerny

2. Divisional Secretariat – Chediakurichchi

3. Divisional Secretariat – Kilakurichchi

2. Training of 10 masons on the construction of Rain Water Harvesting Systems
Ten masons and 4 Technical officers of SDC nominated by SDC was given half a day instruction session and 4 days on- the- job training on construction of 8000 liter Ferrocement RWH system from 5-8th June 2105 at Alankeny, Kilinochchi
Afterwards the trained masons were divided in to 2 groups and assigned to construct a tank on their own supervised by the master masons at the Preschool locations at Chediakurichchi and Kilakurichchi. Certificate was presented to each mason and technical officers who completed the training program.
List of Masons Participated in the Training

Technical Officer of SDC trained
- K. Santhalingam
- A. R. Janees
- J. Anton
- K. Kunalan

3. Operation and Maintenance Training to Masons and Certificate Presentation
Since the Preschools were not occupied by the end date of project it was decided to train the masons and project staff on operation of maintenance of rain water harvesting system. The mason was also trained on how to fix gutters and first flush using PVC items at a location where LRWHF has previously fixed this item by a different project. It was held on 22 June 2015 at Umaiyalpuram, Kandawalai.