Clean Drinking Water Source for Communities Affected with Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown-etiology (CKDu) through Rain Water Harvesting
Project Areas | Mahakachchikodiya, in Vavuniya South Divisional Secretariat of Vavuniya District in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka |
Duration | June 2016 to November 2016 |
Funded by | Korea Green Foundation |
Project Cost | Korea Green Foundation: USD 5,000 LRWHF: USD 1,940 Beneficiaries: USD 1,280 Total Project Cost: USD 8,220 |
Project Objective | Project object is to introduce and promote sustainable and safe drinking water option for communities affected with Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown-etiology (CKDu) |
Project Activities | Awareness program on rainwater harvesting and its advantages with community and officials in the villageSelection of BeneficiariesConstruct 12 Roof Rain Water Harvesting Systems (RWH) to selected beneficiary householdsTraining on Operations and Maintenance of RWHS to Households |
- Awareness program on rainwater harvesting and its advantages with community and officials in the village was held on 9th June 2016.

2. Selection of Beneficiaries:
Beneficiary Name | Village | Number of Children | No. of Family Members | Person responsible for water collection | Diseases caused by water | Drinking source of water | Distance to the source of water |
Mr.Nihal Jayathissa | Mahakachchekodi | 2 | 4 | Wife and children | kidney infection | Other | 1500m |
Mr. R. Sarath Chandrambanda | Mahakachchekodi | – | – | – | Family member deceased due to CKDU | – | – |
Mrs. J. Anulawathee | Mahakachchekodi | 2 | 5 | Children | CKDU | Other | 2km |
Mr. B. Chandrasekara | Mahakachchekodi | 0 | 2 | Wife | CKDU | Private well | – |
Mr. S. Ilangasinghe | Mahakachchekodi | 2 | 4 | Husband | Renal calculus, CKDU | Other | 2.5km |
Ms. Udayarege Dayawathi | Mahakachchekodi | 3 | 6 | Wife | CKDU | Other | 0.5km |
Mrs. B. M. Pemawathee | Mahakachchekodi | 2 | 4 | Husband | CKDU | Tube well | 300m |
Mr. U. M. Somawathee Nimalweera | Mahakachchekodi | 3 | 5 | Wife | Urine infections | Other | 1km |
Ms. K. G. Nilushi Devika | Mahakachchekodi | 3 | 5 | Wife | Urine infections | Tube well | 75m |
Mrs. Seeralage Swarnalatha | Mahakachchekodi | 3 | 5 | Children | Family member deceased due to CKDU | Other | 2km |
Mrs. M. premawathi | Mahakachchekodi | 1 | 5 | Children | Family member deceased due to CKDU | Private well | 4km |
Mr. U. M. Somawathi | Mahakachchekodi | 3 | 5 | Wife | Family members deceased due to CKDU | Other | 1km |

3. Construction of 12 Rain Water Harvesting Systems for selected beneficiary households in Mahakachchikudi GND, Vavuniya District, Sri Lanka (07/2016-10/2016).
4. Training on Operations and Maintenance of RWHS to Households (11/2016).
- 12 Households and their family members were made aware on importance of rain water harvesting and how to operate and monitor the newly built rain water harvesting system.
5.Survey on monitoring RWHS usage and health effect was conducted at 12 households, the following details given below were identified:
- Major drinking water sources and their accessibility prior to the project
- Water Treatment Methods prior to the Project
- Number of individuals afflicted by water borne diseases in each household
- Level of Usage of Rain Water Harvesting Systems and difference in quality of life post RWHS implementation
Survey findings: