About the ConferenceIn the twenty-first century, livelihoods will be required by two or threetimes the current human population. People, their...

International Conference on “Looming water crisis and climate change in South Asia: Rain Water Harvesting as an adaptation strategy”.
Posters/cartoons/videos should be submitted online (via Google / We Transfer) on or before the 20th of August 2021. Submission deadline extended...

Online Training Programme on GIS and Remote Sensing for Designing & Implementing Green Infrastructure
About the course CSE prepared a practitioner’s guide on Green Infrastructure and Water Sensitive Urban Design & Planning for Ministry...

SARNET VI webinar highlights the importance of refining the traditional rainwater harvesting technologies to address the growing demand for water
“Rainwater harvesting as an adaptation mechanism for climate change and the looming water crisis” was the 06th webinar hosted by...

E- Book on Voice of Rainwater Harvesting Users
The success stories reported in this publication is a result of a 3 year project commenced in 2016 in partnership...

Highlights of Webinar program on “Rainwater Harvesting in the Plantations”
A webinar program on “rainwater harvesting in the plantations” organised by Lanka Rainwater Harvesting Forum in collaboration with Elpitiya plantation...

Water Quiz – Inter School Competition
The first round of the “Water Quiz – Inter School Competition” organized by Lanka Rain Water Harvesting Forum was successfully...

The prints on Water
Water is a powerful natural resource which gives lives to thousands of humans, flora, and fauna. Rivers, streams, falls and...

Launching the 3rd Regional Rain Water Harvesting Resources Center at Kilinochchi
The third regional resources center on rain water harvesting was established at National Water Supply and Drainage Board at Kilinochchi...