Rain Water Gives Breath to Green Area
Lanka Rain Water Harvesting Forum conducted workshops on Home Gardening through Rain Water Harvesting in Badulla Kandakepu Ulpatha School on the 15th February 2020 between 7.30 am – 11.30 am and Monaragala Royal College on the 07th March 2020 between 9.00 am – 12 00 pm. It was supported by USAID, NERD, Agriculture Department and both Badulla Kandakepu Ulpatha School and Monaragala Royal college.
Home Gardening through Rainwater Harvesting workshop was conducted with 19 students who participated from both Kandakepu Ulpatha school and Kiwlegedara Mohottala school located in Kandaketiya DS Badulla District.As well as Home Gardening through Rainwater Harvesting workshop was conducted with 12 students who participated from Athimale school and Amunekadura school in Monaragala District.These workshops were conducted by Dr. Tanuja Ariyananda Chief Executive officer of LRWHF, Mr. Indika U. Kumara Kandaketiya agriculture office; Eng. Sunil Karunawardhana from National Engineering Research Department.
Mr. Indika U. Kumara explained about suitable climate & crop cultivation based on the location and the zone. He introduced some clear ideas and explained some useful information to students to actively participate the session. In additional he explained different compost methods and the home gardening design in the Monaragala workshop.
As next topic was explained on how student can do home gardening with different compost methods and water resources by Eng. Sunil Karunawardhana. He shared his experience and showed photos of his home gardening to encourage students. Students raised many questions regarding the home gardening. This chance was taken only for Badulla workshop and this session was continued by Mr. Indika Udaya Kumara in the Monaragala Home Gardening Workshop.
After those explanation, Dr. Tanuja Ariyananda elaborated how to collect the rain for maintaining a home gardening in groups in the both workshops. As well as students were asked to submit their plans for the home garden by 22nd February 2020 for students who are participated to Badulla workshop and 16th of March 2020 for students who are participated to Monaragala workshop. After that they were asked to plan and design their own home garden. Once approved, they will be encouraged to implement the plan and then they would be assessed and evaluated and the best 3 home garden will be selected and given prizes in both areas.
At the end of the workshops the participated students got to know important about plantation and how to use rainwater to those in strategically effective way and also at the end of the workshops LRWHF distributed plants which will help to them to start to improve their Home Gardening.